Websites have different fonts, and picking fonts is an important part of website design and other media communications. But there are many different fonts to pick from. Google has over 1,500 fonts that you can use on your website. So, with so many options, how do you choose the best fonts for your website? Consider these 3 factors:
- Legibility
- Less is Best
- Look & Feel
Legibility is the most important thing to consider when choosing fonts for your website. Site visitors like websites that are easy for them to read, and your font choices play a huge role in this.
Avoid fancy, stylised fonts for large sections of text on your website. In most cases, avoid them entirely. Rather, use plain and simple fonts that are easy to read.
Sans-Serif Fonts
Sans-serif fonts are the simplest style. Sans is a French word that means without. Serif comes from a Dutch word and refers to the stylistic feet and other lines added to letters. Times New Roman is an example of a serif font, as it has these stylistic feet.
Sans serif fonts do not have these little, extra lines. Arial and Calibri are two common sans-serif fonts used in Microsoft Word. But the 5 most popular sans-serif fonts on the web this year are:

Sans-Serif Fonts
Serif fonts are also quite legible. While Times New Roman is the most widely known serif font, the 3 most popular serif fonts on the web this year are:

Less is Best
Consistency is the second most important within your website, and you do not want your fonts to be a distraction.
Choosing just 1-2 fonts creates this cohesive consistency and helps make your website easier to read. It also helps your website to load faster. People (and therefore Google) hate slow-loading websites.
Using 1 or 2 fonts are both good options that help you create consistency within a fast-loading website. So, either choice is a good one. But each option has unique advantages.
Using Just 1 Font
Many websites use just 1 font, with different weights (e.g., bold) for headings. Just as sans serif fonts are the most legible, using just 1 font creates the most consistency.
Using just 1 font is also the best option for creating a fast-loading website.
Using 2 Fonts
Other websites use 2 fonts, 1 for headings and 1 for paragraph text.
It creates a balance between consistency and variety, while also helping headings to stand out.
If you do choose to use 2 fonts, make sure they look good together. Some common combinations
- Playfair Display as a Heading and Roboto as paragraph text
- Open Sans as a Heading and Montserrat as paragraph text
- Anton as a Heading and Poppins as paragraph text
Look & Feel
You want your fonts to:
- Look good
- Reflect your brand
- Evoke the right emotions
Script Fonts
I suggest that most businesses avoid script fonts. But if your brand reflects elegance, using script fonts for some headings may be a good idea.
Dancing script is the most popular script font this year.
Serif Fonts
Serif fonts help establish a feeling of tradition in a brand. Many newspapers use serif fonts for this reason.
Serif fonts can also be paired with script fonts to further project a feeling of elegance.
Sans-Serif Fonts
Sans-serif fonts help project a modern, minimalist image. So, they are often used with tech brands.
They also project a friendly feeling. So, they are often used within the hospitality, entertainment, and retail industries.
How to Choose Fonts in a Nutshell
- Choose just 1-2 fonts
- Pick fonts that are easy to read
- Select fonts that reflect your brand